Wednesday, March 12, 2008

More inbox stuffs

From Slayer829, WTH?

From Tofer, yes, I hate them very much...

The next 3 are from Ryan. That's how I roll.

From Ryan again

From Ryan again, epic picture. And it suits them well...feet first into Hell.

Raiketsu, I totally agree.

From Liam, yes, but they're dead feelings

From Liam again, bowling is not easy with an energy in one sword...

HellzJay5, and let it be known that 300 Spartans gave their last breath to defend it!

By Stealthsniper 22, very true...

From General Reeder, now Red Bull AND Rockets gives you...

By Slayer829, am I the only one that thinks overkill sounds better than killtacular?

Cleanin' out the ol' inbox

The first three are from Deija Vu

These next three are from Dino

This one is from Jordan. I've seen the screenshot alot, but once more couldn't hurt, could it?

This one is also from Jordan
Keenarnor sent these ones in