Sunday, December 2, 2007

Last of the week

These last two are from Evil Turkey 1021.

This is an important tactic...
Unfortunately, they have very violent hugs...
Just a note to anyone who sent me a poster via the poster-maker's "postcard" function: Those apparently expire. So, since there are now five days between each post, you'll probably want to save a local copy of your poster and just send it to me in an email.

Also, as you probably saw in Bungie's weekly update, Frankie himself made a poster...

More of OP24echelon3's Greatest Hits

Luckily, Snowbound isn't a state...WATCH out! Hehe...
Basic rules of the road...
That is, in fact, style.
Always listen to crappy B-movies!

Dojorkan's Greatest Hits

Those rockets, on the other hand...Remember when people cared about that game?
You see, it's funny because of the lack of gravity!
Good try. You fail. Now you die.

A herd of posters

From Sonic Minion 91, an important thing to remember...From Sonic Minion 91 again, sword beats Gatling gun...
These last three are from SPARTAN-1138.

You'll understand when you're older...
"A droid never pulled nobody's arms outta their sockets either..."
A perfect example of "glass half-full"...

A gaggle of posters

From Aeronova, behind the back!From Crazy Alien, a crazy human...
From Crazy Alien again, a crazy alien!
From T3h J00, "muahahahaha!" says Gravity!
From xXnintendorkXx, my favorite medal...

The Poster of Champions!

From Flame254, beware the glowy white afro of doom! From funkdude, a little-known part of a Spartan's training...
From muffin picka, truth abounds, although bullets are a little different than sticks...
From Sylux77, who needs physics?
From Sylux77 again, I dunno, it's very tempting...

More of Das Zitrone's Greatest Hits

Alleluia!Such as walls...
That is possibly the #1 weirdest easter egg in the history of video games...
HE FIRED HIS LAZER, but to no avail...
Not on the battlefield!

King Vyper's Greatest Hits

I'm surprised how many of these there are (i.e. 2)I can't tell which one will be worse-off because of this...
Wait, is that blood?
"Just the good ol' boys..."
The Rocket Race playlist seems to be a massive boon to the poster business...

NerdmanD0tC0m's Greatest Hits

That seems...dangerous...I'm pretty sure they only EXIST when your life is on the line...
For example, on a scale of 1 to 10, this is an 11 of cool.
If you believe this poster, you're not reading my witty comments (such as this one).
That driver seems very intent on staring at those elephants...

Sane Intolerant's Greatest Hits...OF THE PAST!

When you look that cool, why not jump?Ok, actually, here's a good reason not to jump...
Also featuring "Betcha Can't Stick It," "I Know What the Ladies Like," and "Blinded By Its Majesty."
Crouching beats everything! Except tank.
A crucial design flaw...

Polaris7's Greatest Hits

Yeah, a tank could easily take that down.A reasonable request...
I dunno, right now it looks like they've got a pretty good chance...
But it's so pretty!
One of the few poignant posters...