Pic by Sane Intolerant, caption by me, I love the weird optical illusion in this pic... From Sane Intolerant, JESUS CHRIST ITS A MINE GET IN THE CAR! From Ketua, this picture is funnier if you think of the sniper as a member of the red team, rather than as a really good sniper (as their email says). Pic by Gatchaman UK, caption by me, smacking rockets is only awesome if you, you know, hit the rocket! From Gullible Tree, encouragement hurts...
One email, eight posters, only five survive (in no particular order)...
First, I love it when tanks beat everything...Next up, DO NOT WANT! Third, the internet is full of melee-hating whiners... Fourth, that is the pinkest doom-machine in the universe... Finally, 343 goes for a...stroll?
From az117, just...leave him alone for a little while...From A1lYourBase, just don't. It's that simple. From SquishyToaster, another great instance of tank beating everything... From az117, it'd be a shame if your head would suddenly fall off... From az117 again, she's terrified! Look how pale she is!
From Ensiferous3, Yippee-ki-ay... From Lakelus, wow, he really wants that rocket launcher... From Sacapuntas62, rockets beat everything! Pic by me, caption by Sacapuntas62, original inspiration for caption by Trandom Kaggus, yeah, I has it... From Sacapuntas62 again, owee...
From raiden86, I love you, man!From dahballhog, I really feel like watching Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom right now... From raiden86 again, caution: grenade-y floor... From xbatmanx 301, AAARGH! From SPARTAN-1138, poor, poor Foehammer...
From Kyran, yeah, but it's hard to consider death "gain"...From Tkzdeathclan, no dancing on the battlefield! From Entwined Chaos, drive. faster. From WunWunCe7un, captains are cocky (no offense to any captains reading)... From K O, it's not, like, a party?
From StonedcldKillr, I was more intrigued by the jell-o arms than the pose... From anonymous, the katana turns you into a ninja... From anonymous, so...bright... From anonymous, in the future, they'll still have battle re-enactments... From anonymous, BEHIND YOU!
From Jumpynz, 'tis the truth... From Wrath272, because sometimes, balls of light feel like shooting you in the head... From IVANH7, GTFO of the hood of the ghost! From anonymous lover, I love seeing this. Nice job!
From OP24 echelon3, them stickies will hunt you down!
FromElite Xanthi, they may have explosives...From Kyran, holy-shamola! From Kyran again, it will stop at nothing to complete its task! Pic by Zamamee 569, caption by me, spinning bad! From rasberry jam, an army of one dead guy...
Would you like to see posters like on "Lolcats" added to Halotivations in addition to the Halotivational posters?
About Halotivations
So basically you take screen shots from halo, go to this website http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/motivator.php and make a funny motivational poster out of it, and then send them to halotivations@gmail.com, with whatever name you want to be credited as. If I can't find a name, I'll use your email name, but if you want to remain anonymous, you have to tell me. Try to make the picture name have your own name somewhere in the title, it's easier to give credit that way.
Also, please use correct grammar and punctuation. No posters that are too vulgar will be accepted.
If your poster isn't posted, chances are it's still on my computer. Just be patient, and keep sending posters. I promise you they will show up eventually. If they don't, you can always tell me!
Questions? Comments? Email me at halotivations@gmail.com.