I have received both negative and positive comments about the color change, so in an effort to please everybody, I will be changing the color scheme every two weeks.
Deadly Artist made all these posters you see today
Hell yeah!
Of course, if its physically possible...
Well, almost 98 percent of stunts are exactly what this poster says
Good if your teammates decide to help stay back to protect you...
All the posters are by Thebeezlebee, found them while digging through my email. Sorry, Thebeezlebee for posting these so late
The tear won't be shed for long...
Arbiter doesn't look too happy...
Yep, in cases like these it would be wise to run...
Alcohol-induced amnesia...worst ever
Hey, we're on a team!
If I don't post your posters within a reasonable time (a week or two) please send me an email about it, as a lot of times I read your poster submissions then I'm about to post them later, and forget which ones I've posted, as there are a lot of posters. Thanks!
Would you like to see posters like on "Lolcats" added to Halotivations in addition to the Halotivational posters?
About Halotivations
So basically you take screen shots from halo, go to this website http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/motivator.php and make a funny motivational poster out of it, and then send them to halotivations@gmail.com, with whatever name you want to be credited as. If I can't find a name, I'll use your email name, but if you want to remain anonymous, you have to tell me. Try to make the picture name have your own name somewhere in the title, it's easier to give credit that way.
Also, please use correct grammar and punctuation. No posters that are too vulgar will be accepted.
If your poster isn't posted, chances are it's still on my computer. Just be patient, and keep sending posters. I promise you they will show up eventually. If they don't, you can always tell me!
Questions? Comments? Email me at halotivations@gmail.com.