Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Feedback, please.

So it's been about a month since David gave up management of Halotivations to me. Since then I've gotten a bunch of submissions, but not a whole lot of feedback. So, how am I doing so far? Positive or negative responses would be appreciated. Leave comments telling me what you think.

Girish at Halotivations


NukaColaClear said...

I think you're doing great!!!

Anonymous said...

To be honest, the majority of the submissions are not funny. I think the issue is that the tradition of posting 4 or so images at one time quickly depleted the ones that were actually funny and now it seems like we just see whatever is left over. In my humble opinion, I think it would be better to slow the flow of posted images and only post the really funny ones. A goal could be to have a level of submissions that allows you to post one really good image per day; don't be afraid to reject things that get submitted that aren't funny.

Yakko Warner said...

Well, you've done more in the past couple weeks than David did for the rest of the year, so it's an improvement. ;)

Nothing's made me really laugh out loud, though; makes me wonder if the meme isn't just worn out already... :/

Anonymous said...

doing good, don't be afraid to keep the funny going.

JamesK said...

I'd say you're doing very well. You're being consistent with uploads, and that's good. Some lack humor, but most have it. Keep up the good work!