Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Just-a Two-a!

From Sno564, wait, Halo has chips? I want some!
Also from Sno564, unless it's for the purpose of getting out of the map...which is a normal thing to try to do...

Monday, October 29, 2007

Just four today.

From Spartan Rapid, a little known fact...From THE MAZZA, my favorite team formation...
From Spartan Rapid again, a slightly more insightful look at the hammer...

Saturday, October 27, 2007


From THE MAZZA again, and yet, some idiot always tries to step into the shield... From AusQB, how dare you try to get achievements?!
From AusQB again, OH. SNAP.

Some more posters. Here they are.

From Pseudo Faux, hey, you can't blame us all for thinking they'd be cool... From Az117, this is very close to the greatest picture I've ever seen.
From THE MAZZA, yeah, that's really weird.
From Az117, OK, he just beat the greatest picture ever.
From Az117 again, I'm telling you, this guy knows how to write captions!

Posters. Here are some.

From AusQB, I love the elite voice. I do, however, hate their looks. This is paradox...From MutantSphere, that bright, burning light is rather pretty!
From Pseudo Faux, ragdoll. Not elastic-doll.
From AusQB, they are, however, good for protecting teammates from your idiotic grenade throws...
From MutantSphere, this is my motto right here...

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Done by "Office" time!

From BaddMutha (yes, AGAIN), that ONE spot! It's always that ONE SPOT! The final one from BaddMutha, this is funny, 'cuz I always do this!
From NinjaSlayer368, Smokey plays Halo...
From NinjaSlayer368 again, this is why I play zombies with shotguns only...


From BaddMutha, poor grunts. Barely even have feet!From BaddMutha, Elites apparently have a much more awesome crouching pose...
From BaddMutha again, see, I never had this problem, thankfully, but my heart goes out to those who do...
From BaddMutha once again, AI can't save you from Real-I!
Pic by Halcylon, caption by CheshireKAY, *insert bad joke about my lack of skillz here*.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

One last one...

From PerfecSaiyan, try not to stand in a line...


From bourwaZ, once again, I HATE the mauler-melee!From BaddMutha, screw marketing, just call it what it is!
Pic by SpaceBooger, caption by CheshireKAY, best. shot. ever.
From bourwaZ, hopefully, the skills required to GET the katana would help you avoid this...
From bourwaZ again, pure opinion. EVERYTHING should fly.

Holy moley, we gots pictures!

From FroBoyX, this is key. Do not do this!From FroBoyX again, don't worry. The face-smack will dull the pain of the fall...
From BaddMutha, fear the laser-pointer of doom!
Pic by Vyckers, caption by CheshireKAY, this caption, unfortunately reminds me of that movie Delta Farce *shudder*
From BaddMutha, so it's more like a whale-load. You know, if a whale were a transport device.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Just one tonight.

From NinjaSlayer368, always stretch before a Halo match...

Monday, October 22, 2007

Three new ones...

From DanteThePyro, all you can do in this case is run towards the nearest bad guy...From Sno564, I knew those walls looked familiar!
From Sai-kun, seriously, there's like a Louvre just for them...

Just a few reminders right here. When you send in your pics (email: gameguy900@yahoo.com), please remember to send what you want to be credited as, too. Sometimes I can just pull something from your email address, but I'd prefer you let me know. If I've posted any of your stuff as anonymous, just send me an email to change it. Also, here's the link for the poster-maker again: http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/motivator.php Keep on sending them in!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

A Fresh Batch of Motivational Muffins!

From me, all flagpoles should be that pointy!From Coke, when everyone loses, you win...
From Fish Face McGee, also, you're wearing a helmet...
From anonymous, Elites = Space Irish, always lucky...
From redpsyclone, whoodathunk that something with the word "bubble" in it could be so helpful?

A Fresh Batch of Motivational Muffins!

Found this in the archives, this was made by Issac. Enjoy a double update!

From me, all flagpoles should be that pointy!
From Coke, when everyone loses, you win...
From Fish Face McGee, also, you're wearing a helmet...
From anonymous, Elites = Space Irish, always lucky...
From redpsyclone, whoodathunk that something with the word "bubble" in it could be so helpful?